

Three adorable litters of puppies come of age. The first few months of these Pugs, Mini-Australian Shepherds and Rottweillers' lives will be filled with adventure, including an introduction to the agility course and a lesson in duck-herding!


朝阳市| 兴宁市| 化州市| 象山县| 灵台县| 西昌市| 平乡县| 江油市| 嘉鱼县| 沂水县| 卢湾区| 阳高县| 汨罗市| 饶阳县| 固镇县| 麻栗坡县| 临邑县| 防城港市| 岗巴县| 彰武县| 从化市| 确山县| 集安市| 博白县| 临颍县| 察雅县| 南投市| 水富县| 龙门县| 德保县| 正安县| 房山区| 即墨市| 平原县| 栖霞市| 五莲县| 江口县| 峨山| 鄂伦春自治旗| 布尔津县| 昆明市|